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There is no question that the health of your body is often reflected on the skin, but sometimes the power of mental and emotional wellness is overlooked. Research shows skin conditions such as acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, and urticaria (hives) occur more often in those who suffer from depression and anxiety [1].

How Emotional Turmoil Can Impact Skin

Skin conditions that can be affected by emotional wellbeing are referred to as psychocutaneous disorders [2]. Chronic stress and mental turmoil elevate cortisol levels and triggers a systemic hormone response [3]. This can induce a histamine reaction in the skin resulting in changes to the skin’s permeability and vascular supply [3]. These changes lead to pathologies like acne, rashes, hives, dermatitis, and eczema.

Professionals like Physchodermatologists (a medical doctor with specialization in both dermatology and psychology) report that treating the emotional condition alone often reverses or diminishes the skin condition [4]. 

How To Boost Feelings Of Calm

One study showed that relaxation and meditation techniques decreased the severity of several skin disorders over the course of two months [3]. While psychocutaneous disorders range in severity and seeking out the appropriate medical professional is always advised, there are small steps you can take each day to help calm the mind. Mediation, mindfulness, and gratitude practices can help lower stress hormones and restore endocrine function, maintain a total health, and keep your skin glowing.

Mask + Meditate

To help you meditate we partnered with leading meditation teachers to record four guided meditations. Each is about 20 minutes long – the perfect length to use our HydrExtreme Sheet Mask while you meditate.

For Stress and Anxiety

For High Performance

For Sleep and Relaxation

For Finding Balance in Uncertain Times


 [1] Hashiro, M., & Okumura, M. (1994). Anxiety, depression, psychosomatic symptoms and autonomic nervous function in patients with chronic urticaria. Journal of dermatological science, 8(2), 129-135.

[2] Folks, D. G., & Warnock, J. K. (2001). Psychocutaneous disorders. Current psychiatry reports, 3(3), 219-225.

[3] Shenefelt, P. D. (2008). Therapeutic management of psychodermatological disorders. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 9(6), 973-985.

[4] Jafferany, M. (2007). Psychodermatology: a guide to understanding common psychocutaneous disorders. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 9(3), 203. 

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